Olga Phillips

I have always loved keeping fit and traditionally focused on the typical go-go-go of high energy sports such as running, netball and athletics.

In 2015, I moved to London and began working crazy hours in a busy job. In need of a break, I booked in to a local yoga class. Having tried out various yoga classes over the years and not really “got it”, the teacher at the local class completely transformed my experience and I began to notice how yoga helped me create space in my body took me from flight or fight into a place of stillness.

I qualified to teach yoga in 2021. Over the years, I’ve learned to love a slower practice and recently completed a 40-hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training which I hope will add a new dimension to my classes.

I like to use my classes to help you take a breath, slow down the body and the mind and release tension. I hope you leave my classes feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.