Hello and welcome!
You're here because your GP surgery has given you the link to the 4 week community Beginners Yoga Course at the Power of Yoga (Westwick Crescent, Greenhill).
The full details about the course are at the bottom of this page, but please read all of the information on this webpage before completing the form.
If you would like to be invited to book a place on the course, please add your details to the form (link below) and we will send you information on how to sign up.
Sadly there are a limited number of places and they are on a firstcome, first served basis.

"I feel the studio is run with professionalism and a caring attitude, it has a lovely feel to the studio and is beautifully looked after..."
Power of Yoga member
The course every woman should do...
Why? We are under constant pressure... pulled in all directions - work, family, chores, errands, and an ever growing "to do" list.
We are often at the bottom of that list and never seem to reach the top.
You may squeeze in a hour to get your hair done (if you're lucky!) - but what about you, the whole YOU?
You maybe feeling stressed... tired...sick of juggling... sleeping less than you like...
How about taking an hour a week to nurture yourself?
Take the time to stop. Turn your mind off for an hour. Rest. Relax.
These things are just as important as the asthetic stuff we do. But it's often missed, because we're "too busy". I know what it's like. Yoga has been my saviour. Read more about my journey with yoga.
If you've never done Yoga before, don't worry, you won't be expected to stand on your head and chant funny sounds. Yoga is way more than that...read on...
Louise, Studio Director of Power of Yoga & teacher
About the 4 week Community Beginners Yoga Course
In the beginners course you will be guided through the classic yoga postures and mini tutorials.
This is suitable for anyone who wants to try yoga for the first time or those who have done it before. We will adapt the class to suit any invidivual requirements and needs.
The course has a strong focus on best practise and alignment. This leads to a stronger and safer yoga practise.
We teach you how to do it safely for your body.
You’ll learn breathing techniques (inspired by Max Strom) that will leave you feeling calmer, less anxious and improve your sleep.
By the end of the course you will have a basic foundation to continue yoga at home or at a class.

What you will learn
Here is a breakdown of what you will learn during the 4 weeks on our beginners yoga course.
Everything will be clearly explained and adapted to suit your needs. Don't worry, we will look after you!
Week 1 - Breath Work
Breath work is key in Yoga (and life!)
Breathing techniques will help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Breathe initiated movement teaches us how to breath, move and stay connected. This helps us to stay present and quietens the busy mind.
- You will be introduced to Max Stroms Breathing Evolutions
- You will learn the difference between the automatic breathing and conscious breathing.
In order to transform and heal ourselves of any anxiety and depression we need to learn how to expand the chest, discover the Ocean Breath.
When we open the chest we release negative emotions, some that we’ve been holding onto for a long time. These simple and effective breathing evolutions/ exercises can bring you back to a peaceful and calm state and help with healing.
Homework*: Try to practise everyday.
Benefits: You will feel positive affects on your mind and body. You will have the knowledge to help you transform your internal state, prevent future anxiety, and help others to do so.
*Don't worry, it's not compulsory, just highly recommended!)
Week 2 - Stability in Balance and Movement
Movement is key
We use a unique movement system called "Organisation and Activation" to improve, stability, strength, and range of motion.
You will be introduced to Organisation & Activation and you will use the body’s natural fascial lines to create stability, increase strength and improve your own bodies range of motion.
This teaches you how to protect your joints, creating stability, strength by naturally activating your muscles, ligaments and tendons.
We learn how to focus your yoga practice around outcomes like pain relief, injury prevention and ensuring your body will last a lifetime.
This can then be applied to any activities of daily living.
Week 3 - Sun Salutation
Sun Salutations is a yogic movement sequences that help you connect your body and breath. It is a great way to get your body warmed up at the beginning of a yoga session.
The combination of stretching and motion wakes up your body. This is something you can build up over time.
We will take it back to basics and slowly break down the postures, movements and transitions of a Sun Salutation.
Week 4 - Meta Meditation & Yoga Flow
We will immerse ourselves into this beautiful empowering meditation. The practice aims to foster a mental state of kindness, love, and compassion
We will combine all we have learnt over the last 3 weeks into a slow flow, breath based sequence.
The practice can bring many benefits including
- Self compassion
- Decreased stress and anxiety
- Reduce physical pain
We are positive this will leave you hooked on yoga and you'll want to make yoga part of your life (fingers crossed!).
Details of the Beginners Yoga Course
We would love to welcome you to our 4 week Beginners Yoga Course and the Power of Yoga Studio in Sheffield.
Four weeks
Next course start date: 20 April 2024
20 April, 27 April, 4 May and 11 May
You must be able to attend all 4 classes
9:30 - 10:30
Saturday morning
Small group - 10 people
This gives you the care and attention you deserve
Please note that there is one flight of stairs to get up to the studio and sadly we don't have a lift.
This course is free of charge to those who have been referred by their GP. The Power of Yoga is running this course to give back to the local community.
Please add your details to the form and we will send you information on how to sign up for the next course.
All information is subject to change and terms & conditions.