Jenny Toal

I have been been practising yoga for over 15 years. I started by regularly going to classes at leisure centres, mainly with the intention of increasing flexibility and finding a way to relax. I discovered then that yoga can be a way to develop strength: classes became my ‘work-out’, but I since came to learn through reading a bit and supplementing classes with online tutorials that yoga is so much more than that and my interest grew from there. I latterly came to enjoy Ashtanga yoga in particular and I have since developed a regular home practice including meditation. After attending classes with different teachers for several years, I felt called to share yoga with others and completed my 200hr foundation teacher training in Sheffield in 2020 with senior teacher Janine Leagh, Director of Sacred Alchemy Yoga. I have since taken some further training including 40 hours on safe adjustments. I am particularly interested in anatomy, unravelling the mechanics of postures. I am also a keen supporter of yoga that ‘meets you where you are’. I have been teaching hatha yoga for over 2 years mainly in a leisure centre setting and I endeavour to offer inclusive classes to cater for different levels of ability.  I focus on safe and healthy alignment, as well as exploring strength alongside flexibility.